Please remember your brothers and sisters in Christ in your prayers. Prayer Request Myrtle Schmidt Hazel Emmerling Margaret Hay Sally Joblonkay Doug Frichette Ella Hay Nick Kreutz Doris KreutzTed Draeger Fred Wittkowski Pastors &People of Ukraine
Pastor Schultz is in the office at church on Tuesday mornings. If you would like to visit with him (in person or via phone), call the office (780-352-3663) or Pastor (780-868-7021) to arrange a time and date.
* As you enter the Church, please use the hand sanitizer available there for you. Sanitize again as you leave.
* The mask mandate has been removed. It is up to you if you wish to wear a mask or not but please respect each others decisions on such.
Murray Dewald January 16, 1953 - April 20, 2022 Celebration of Life
Opportunities for Christian Growth and Fellowship
Sunday School(Postponed till further notice) For children ages 3 to grade 6. "Growing in Christ" is the objective of Zion's Sunday School program. Music, interactive learning of the truths of the Scriptures, crafts and projects that reinforce learning, are all part of this dynamic opportunity for your child to live out his or her Baptism and to grow in Baptismal grace.
Vacation Bible School For children ages 4 to grade 6. Active learning, crafts, and songs round out an action-packed week of learning the Good News about Jesus. For more information please click HERE.
Confirmation Classes A study of the Christian faith for youth in grade seven and older. The rite of Confirmation prepares young people for life-long appreciation of their Baptism and to receive the Lord's Supper.